assuming new farming techniques don't solve the problem first. The film raises interesting questions if the population continues to grow will limits on children be legally imposed or will it just be accepted that people won't get to eat as much. The supporting cast, which includes Glenn Close and Willem Dafoe are solid too. Noomi Rapace is great in the role of all seven sisters each subtly different in look and behaviour.

We get lots of impressive, sometimes gory, action and a real sense of danger for our protagonist sisters. I really enjoyed this dystopian sci-fi I couldn't help thinking that is was like the series 'Orphan Black' crossed with the classic film 'Soylent Green' without ever feeling like a rip off of either.

The remaining sisters will have to work together and face danger many times before they learn some shocking truths. is she just late or has something happened to her? Tuesday tries to discover what happened but when she too disappears the sisters realise they are in real danger somebody wants then eliminated. Everything goes well until one day Monday doesn't return home. As before each is Karen for their one day. Thirty years pass and 'Karen' is working at a bank. When they are old enough he lets each one out on the day corresponding to their name. When Karen Settman dies giving birth to identical septuplets they are raised in secret by their grandfather he names them after the days of the week. To counter this a strict one child policy is enforced younger siblings are placed in cryosleep to await better times. Set in the near future, where certain genetically modified foods have led to a massive increase in multiple births, there isn't enough food to feed the increasing population.